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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Response to those who ask me to write more.

 Hi, I appreciate everyone, well almost everyone's comments.

As for those who want me to write more, this blog is just a minor part of my writing.

I spent the pandemic year discussing various topics such as vaccines with fellow

members of the AAAS.

My Common Sense Blog

i also have a local community web site for the Punxsutawney area.

My many books can be found on my Amazon Author's Page this includes two autobiographies - one about my ranch which raised rare 4 or 6 horned sheep and rescued miniature horses and miniature donkeys all organic.

Children's book

"Life After a Pandemic" 

Visitor's guide to Groundhog Day (best as an ebook)

"Preparing for Climate Change: Coastal flooding will cost the U.S. billions of dollars within two decades."
eBOOK "Blockchain Made Simple" Blockchain is poised to revolutionize business and government data management.

"Everywhere I Turn There's A Wet Nose
  the love for and science of dogs"

Emergency management preparedness

"Sheep in the Rafters book.
"Sheep in the Rafters 2nd. ed. paperback

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