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Monday, October 5, 2020

President Trump may be suffering from steroid induced mania

 Copied from two discussion groups at the American Association for the Advancement of Science 

David Gergen, who served during the administrations of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton,

today said, "We are in the hands of a mad man."

Trump is feeling euphoric and best he has in 20 years, but he is also taking very powerful
steroids which not only weaken the immune system, but can produce marked
psychological effects including euphoria.

Steroid-induced psychosis is a well-documented phenomenon. It usually occurs with oral systemic steroid treatment and is more common at higher doses, although there are case reports of occurrence with local steroid injections.

After steroids are discontinued, depressive symptoms persist approximately 4 weeks, mania 3 weeks, and delirium a few days. Approximately one-half of patients with steroid psychosis improve in 4 days and one-half within 2 weeks.
"Corticosteroid-induced mania: Prepare for the unpredictable "

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Medical Civil War is here NOW - we are just beginning to see how bad it will get.

You may be surprised to see that I am not going to begin with COVID-19. 

Yes, that is a serious medical problem controlled and worsened by politics, but we are on the verge of a far bigger threat which could easily lead quickly to a violent civil war, not a war of words.


President Trump keeps promising to end the payroll tax which pays half the Social Security payments and therefore half the Medicare insurance.


So, if re-elected what will happen?


He will, with the backing of a Republican Senate (which controls the tax laws) end half the funding for Social Security.


Analysts differ but the best case scenario is that SS will be bankrupt in 5 years. The analysis by the experts at the Social Security Administration say either mid or late 2023.


The next month every disability and regular Social Security check will bounce.

Reality will overwhelm politics.


In a week some people will run out of food.

When the second month's Social Security payment doesn't arrive people will begin hunting down Republican politicians - then any rich, even well-to-do Republicans and, after having their emails and phone calls ignored, begin to ask them some very serious questions in person.


By the end of the month it may not be safe to be identified as a Republican.


A week later 90% of nursing homes will close putting millions of elderly sick out on the street or on their families.


This WILL NOT be the fault of the workers or even the owners of nursing or any elderly housing. They get most of their money from resident’s Social Security and Medicare and most of the workers are minimum wage or a bit more, but definitely the working poor who can't just report for work when they don't get paid.


This isn’t Medicaid (welfare) which is paid by governments and you may think it may last a year or more longer.

WRONG - as their SS payments cease most elderly will qualify for state welfare and Medicaid. States are not permitted to run a deficit and can't print money, only the Feds can do that.


But the healthy elderly, many of whom have military experience, will see the insurance and pensions they paid into for their entire working lives stop.

How do you think they will react?

How long have YOU gone without food?

How long with the fanatic Trump supporters go without food having to suddenly either care for or bury grandma or even mother who was in a nursing home?

I could be wrong. I HOPE I am wrong.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Vaccines injected into tumors prolong cancer survival

 I reported in another posting that fasting for just one day can drastically improve chemotherapy response and made the bad side effects (nausea, etc.) much less noticeable.

Now I have compiled reports that appear to show a strong correlation between a vaccination - not a "cancer" vaccine, just a common flu vaccine - and increased survival.

In other words any flu vaccine injected right into a tumor seems to have a powerful effect.

I'll add more information as it becomes available.

"Injection of seasonal influenza vaccine into tumors enhances local and systemic anti-cancer immunity and sensitizes previously resistant tumors to immune checkpoint therapy." Kill shot: Flu vaccine is a stone cold cancer killer Rachael A. Clark

 See all authors and affiliations

Science Immunology  07 Feb 2020:

Vol. 5, Issue 44, eabb0239

DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abb0239

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sub $100 UVC light kills virus

An inexpensive light can sterilize a room and everything in it.

No scam, proven science which I don't personally sell or profit from.

WARNING! DO NOT USE on skin - also, this intensive light in this frequency will blind you permanently, so the one you want is on a timer and comes with a remote control - you put it in a room with things to sterilize and leave the 60watt UVC light on for an hour or less - it kills bacteria, virus, small bugs, etc. There are several on Amazon identical 2020 version 60W UVC light bars.

Ok, that warning out of the way here's the story.

UVC light kills all bacteria, most or perhaps all viruses, even dust mites.

The science isn't quite to the point where I can guarantee it will kill COVID-19 but that is simply because it hasn't been tested yet and I certainly won't be testing it here myself.

It is proven to kill every other virus, including every coronavirus which has been tested.

This is well known - old information, but these lights used to be very expensive in the thousands or even tens of thousands.

New LED technology makes a light 60 times more intense than the UVC frequency in sunlight for less than $100 and it fits in a regular light socket.

It also uses very little power, the same amount as any old-style 60 Watt light bulb.

There are multiple versions that all seem to be the identical model except for price, shipping times, and such from different vendors with several below $50. What you do is put this in a room and remotely turn it on for an hour or less depending on room size, although you can shift it around and run it again in another part of the room or move it to another room.

This uses a size E26 socket which seems confusing but is simply 26mm standard normal light bulb fixture found in many desk lamps or other light fixtures. Nothing exotic you need to run out and buy virtually everyone would have this type of light fixture.

The ones I would recommend are 60 Watt LED which is like a 500 Watt incandescent and they last tens of thousands of hours. They also include a built-in timer and a remote control so you stay out of the room - seriously, it will cause serious damage to your eyes in seconds - keep pets safe also.

As a bonus, if you follow a famous person's recommendation that you use it on skin you will develop a severe sunburn and eventually skin cancer.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Warm Weather won't stop this virus

Warmer weather may be worse. Australia saw it spreading in warm weather
(77 high/64 low in Sydney) and it is warm in southern states right now but
everyone is getting it. Since people will have cabin fever they will
surge outside in warm weather.

The average high in Baton Rouge is 74 and the average low is 54 but there are
834 confirmed cases, so probably about 5000 just in LA because only New York
is testing a significant percentage of the population.

Experts agree that “almost” isolating is NOT isolating. Standing within 6 ft of
anyone you aren’t already living with is dangerous.

State by state map of coronavirus infection rates

New England Journal of Medicine COVID-19 page

WHO videos related to COVID-19 
Those with blood type A are at higher risk than type O.

Data from China shows men are at higher risk, but that may
just be the smoking culture - a lot more men in China smoke
than women, or than here.

This is going to be hard, VERY HARD. Keep in contact with friends
and relatives as much as possible, but do it on the phone or even
better use SKYPE which is a FREE videophone.
It works on my Kindle using WiFi and every computer which has
a camera and microphone, also iPhone and most smartphones.

The software is free and already on many computers, person to person
video is also free to any skype anywhere in the world, I video conference
with my editor in Australia.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

UPDATE Doctors find three common drugs might save coronavirus victims

Update for the story below.
china conducted a test of Kaletra, a combination of two antiviral medicines, lopinavir and ritonavir and found to be ineffective against COVID-19

The latest candidate drug to treat this coronavirus is Gilead's remdesivir which is being tested by the WHO and the NIH.

NO results yet for ritonavir.

The tests on lopinavir and ritonavir was conducted on 199 patients with 99given the experimental combo drug treatment and 100 receiving standard supportive care.

The mortality ratio after 28 days was similar for both groups showing the Kaletra combination was ineffective despite early reports out of Thailand where it was uses successfully. That doesn't mean the Bangkok doctors falsified either the treatment or the result, just that because they only had one patient there could have been other factors which lead to her quick recovery. Also, with viral diseases people often seem to go into a kind of remission only to have the disease return in a week or two. This is what leads people to think they aren't becomming immune from a vaccine or from catching a disease -they never fully recovered the first time. There is no report of a follow up on the Bangkok patient or her current condition.

New England Journal of Medicine Report on Trial

Doctors at the Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok tested a mix of HIV and influenza medicines which saved the life of an elderly woman with a severe case of 2019nCoV from Wuhan China.

The treatment used  lopinavir and ritonavir along with high dosage oseltamivir, a common flu treatment.

The flu medicine was formerly used to treat MERS, another coronavirus variant.

It isn't a cure for the virus because the body's own immune system is the only way to fight a virus, but the treatment does help prevent the inflammation which actually kills most patients.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Chart showing how the U.S. is on track to equal Iran, Italy, and Spain


That's still the advice from infectious disease experts.

The hard data isn't quite in yet but so far it looks as if the infection rate for COVID-19 is between 2 and 3.11 which means that EACH infected person will infect between 2 and 4 additional people.

Any number above 1 (the seasonal flu is 1.3) means the disease will spread in the population.

Measles is over 11, while ebola which terrified the world had an infection rate of 2.

A number like 2, 3, or 4 which includes this coronavirus, means the growth will be exponential and that is indicated as accurate by the fact that the number of infected people has been doubling every 3 days.

 A chart produced by the Financial Times shows that while Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore which took immediate action to close down the area, the U.S. is exactly in line with Spain, Italy, France, and the U.K. which strangely has decided to let the virus run wild in hopes that the population will develop a herd immunity - something that works with Measles but there is no evidence it works with any coronavirus.

For the U.S. ten days from the first day when therre were 100 confirmed cases, there are just over 2,000 infected people known positibely have COVID-19, there are probably many more.

Unless something extremely drastic is done and I mean monday or tuesday, in another 10 days there will be more than 20,000 cases in the U.S.

Testing, of course, is vital if public health experts will be able to make rational decisions, but the U.S. is far, FAR behind.

As of March 11 the U.S. reported testing 7,695 people or 23 per 1 Million population.

South Korea where they are getting a handle on the infection, tested nearly 200,000 by March 8 or 3,692 per 1 Million population.

Of course the governor of Ohio says he suspects there are 100 thousand Plus cases in his state and by Wednesday he expects to see almost half a million in Ohio alone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

CLOSE EVERYTHING NOW! Learn what drugs may work in this article


The WHO has finally declared this a dangerous pandemic.
Unfortunately practically everyone, including VP Pence
and top CDC doctors, all disagree with the rosy picture
painted by President Trump and the Fox News' conspiracy

This is a life and death situation.

President Trump is risking his life going to rallies which won't
do the country any good.

I am probably posting too often but will continue to warn and
provide news until someone asks me to stop.

Experts say don't go into crowds or events with more
than 10 or 15 people. Elderly should self isolate as
soon as possible avoiding all, ALL contact.

An older ski club went to Italy for vacation - when
they returned ALL of them went into the hospital with COVID-19.

Remember, Amazon and Walmart both deliver food.
As for grandkids, remember they can easily carry this
infection but have no obvious illness so they can come
home from grade school and kill grandad.

Latest information is this is a minimum of 10 times more
deadly than seasonal flu which kills 20-50 thousand Americans each winter.

Nursing homes are, unfortunately, proving to be the most
dangerous place to be along with cruise ships.

U.S. response is about a month behind, we must protect
ourselves and warn our friends.

Good luck to all of us.

Remdesivir As I reported about a month ago, remdesivir along with 

Lopinavir is a protease inhibitor that is used in HIV treatment. 

Ritonavir (Norvir) is another protease inhibitor used in highly
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) HIV treatments 

But the two drugs along with the flu medication Tamiflu were
first used in the orient to treat MERS (Middle East respiratory
syndrome) which is another coronavirus and in January a
hospital in Thailand tried the same drug combo on a very ill
woman over 70 who had come from Wuhan and was nearly
dead from COVID-19. The doctors report that she got better
immediately and fully recovered.

Now the FDA is sponsoring a clinical trial in Nebraska at the
University of Nebraska in Omaha using Gilead’s remdesivir a
nucleotide analog antiviral treatment used for Ebola and the 
Marburg virus.

It also seems to be effective against single-strand RNA viruses
which include SARS and COVID-19.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The truth about a coronavirus vaccine

Although you hear different predictions about how long a vaccine will take to be developed and produced in quantity it is important to recognize that the ONLY ones who say it will be ready in a few months are either politicians, economists, or others who have a vested interest in keeping people from turning against the government.

Right now we are seeing the results of thousands of lies coming from the president - virtually no one with a room temperature IQ actually believes anything he says about this pandemic threat.

But while all the actual experts say it will be as much as a year or more before a vaccine can be developed and produced in sufficient quantity to be effective.

This is a coronavirus but we already have a great deal of experience with another coronavirus known as the common cold.

What we all know about the common cold is that there has never been a successful vaccine produced and that you can get a cold several times in a year.

That's because vaccines trigger the immune system and with the regular yearly flu, your system is prepared to fight a viral attack by the flu if you have had the vaccine, or even if you have had several earlier bouts of the flu over the years.

That's because many virus infections leave the body prepared to fight a new attack and that immunity lasts for years. 

But that isn't true for a coronavirus such as the current one. Immunity may only last weeks at best if you catch it and get over it.

A vaccine would produce even less in the way of immunity and would probably be virtually ineffective even after being produced.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

N95 masks are too expensive and no more effective than cheaper masks

Which Flu Mask Should I buy to protect my family?

A major study found that the expensive N95 masks are no more effective than cheaper medical masks used by doctors in surgery. With N95 masks now in short supply and priced out of the reach of average people it is good to know that if any mask will protect you then the cheaper ones work just as well for a virus.

It appears that neither mask is especially effective with about 30% of medical workers in a New York hospital during the H1N1 Swine Flu scare back in 2009 catching the disease despite using face masks.

The later study compared the inexpensive surgical masks with the less comfortable N95 masks.

It probably wouldn't matter so much if the price on N95 masks hadn't gone through the roof very recently. They used to cost about $1 but where you can find the good 3M masks on Amazon they are more than $100/box, about $10 for each mask.

The only reason any of these masks work at all is because the virus when airborne isn't by itself and therefore thousands of times smaller than the masks can filter out, but they are carried in water droplets from breathing, coughing, or sneezing and the masks can stop those water droplets.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Life-Saving Drug Fights Cytokine Storm

Although people with strong immune systems are still passing due to cytokine storms causing massive inflammation and death, there is a drug proven to block this process and save lives.

It seems to be almost known by many physicians so, as with the cures for septic shock described in other blog posts here, you need to know the facts for yourself.

Scripts Researchers say sphingosine analog AAL-R can block the immune system response triggering a “cytokine storm.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Skip the flu vaccine because you have a immune system? Will you die in ignorance?

If, as a number of people have told me, you feel you don't need the flu vaccine because your super immune system protects you, or you can boost your own health by taking megadoses of vitamins or zinc or some herbs then you are a perfect example of the old saying, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

One way the flu kills is by activating strong immune systems - see below.

The coronavirus threat is real but insignificant compared to yearly flu deaths.

The 2019CoV Chinese coronavirus is in the news daily but so far it has not killed a single person in the U.S.

The regular yearly flu has already caused 8,200 deaths just in the U.S. and the flu season has barely gotten going. So while people panic about a possible Chinese pandemic don't ignore the influenza vaccine which WILL save lives and this year's flu will IS! already spreading widely.

But the regular flu isn't "sexy" enough for TV so you don't hear about the hundreds of U.S. citizens dead every day from the preventable flu.

NOTE: You may see complaints online that the CDC overestimates influenza deaths, suggesting the real number so far is only about 2,000 and 56 of those were children (ONLY??). But the nearly 9,000 deaths were all in people who had the flu and probably would be alive if they hadn't been infected.
There are expert estimates that of those 9,000 about 7,000 would have survived if they had been vaccinated this year. Some were is such poor health that even a mild case of the flu could have resulted in death.
But while the terrible post-WWI flu killed 30 to 90 million people worldwide before the era of modern medicine, since 2010 an average of 20,000 die of complications of the yearly flu every year in the US, 55,000 in the 2014-2015 season - 61,000 last year.
EVen if you don't mind getting the flu, being vaccinated helps stop the spread and saves other lives especially children and the elderly.
If you think you have a super immune system or can boost your own health by taking megadoses of vitamins or zinc or some herbs then you are a perfect example of the old saying, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." While it is true that you can boost your immune system, it isn't true that it would protect you from catching the flu and even worse, every year the flu kills very healthy younger people precisely BECAUSE they are young, fit, and have strong immune systems. You see one way the flu kills is by overexciting a strong immune system into producing TOO MANY protective cytokines which produce something called a cytokine storm that causes excessive inflammation and therefore fluid build up in the lungs and kills by causing the young, healthy, strong person to actually drown in their own fluids.
The CDC says this will be one of the worst flu seasons ever with 22,000 already hospitalized by January 1) and will kill many children.

The flu has killed 56 US children already this year.

Those over 65 get a much stronger vaccine because our immune systems are weaker. Many flu deaths occur due to the body's immune system overreaction causing a "cytokine storm" See my article on this and possible treatments. Statin drugs can also help reduce over active immune responses.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Coronavirus 2019-CoV is being evaluated as a potential pandemic theat

There are major public health concerns over the new animal coronavirus can be spread from person to person, not just caught from animals. It is important to note that most pandemics (worldwide spread of a dangerous virus) are first found in animals and it then spreads to humans and mutates to airborne infection.

Coronavirus such as this new one, 2019-nCoV, often have a high mortality rate (they are very deadly) and with only 200 known cases so far there are already 3-5 deaths and it has spread from China to Korea.

Coronaviruses are often deadly (the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are examples) and people have little or no natural immunity to them, raising the potential for developing into a very dangerous pandemic. But the common cold is also a coronavirus and it isn't particularly dangerous, although the fact that there has never been a vaccine developed and there is no pill you can take for it, shows how difficult it will be to protect people from this new coronavirus.

The initial incidence of this virus is thought to have occurred on December 31 presenting as a case of pneumonia - hence the 2019 designation even though it wasn't pinned down as the cause until Chinese authorities reported the cause of the new infection on January 7.

The WHO Emergency Committee will meet Wednesday to decide whether to issue an international health crisis.

As of Monday night, U.S. the WHO has not called for any restriction on travel.

International Health Regulations
Q&A on the International Health Regulations
Information about the outbreak