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Saturday, December 30, 2017

No critical discovery today but a look at healthy things to do. for the new year

No, this isn’t about getting more exercise. That’s important but everyone knows that.

More and more we are seeing reports that plain old coffee, a minimum of two cups a day, is very good for you.

Vitamin D-3
I wrote a booklet about the uses of Vitamin D-3 which is proven in clinical trials to help prevent or even treat malignant melanoma. The good news is that now that there are decent chemotherapy treatments (there weren’t when I contracted MM) you can also take massive doses of D-3 at the same time.

The spice which makes curry yellow and studies in India show it is a potent anti-cancer medicine. I take it with black pepper to improve absorption.

I don’t like curry, never have. But I take Turmeric/curcumin daily in capsules. Black pepper makes a good addition and in capsules, you’ll never taste it.

SPLENDA (Sucralose)
Its main benefit is that it has zero calories but it tastes to me and many people exactly like white sugar.

Generic brands are fine but powdered “splenda” has a lot of filler, about 95% filler. I use it occasionally but also buy the raw chemical in bulk mostly from Bulk Supplements on Amazon.

A tiny amount of the raw chemical is the equivalent of a cup of sugar and I’m talking a very tiny amount. My 100-gram package of sucralose is about the equivalent of 100 lbs of sugar.

Although the games promoted as helping prevent dementia and particularly Alzheimer's seem to be nonsense, there is strong evidence that learning something completely new such as a new language, a branch of science, etc. can build so many new connections in your brain that people who do that have been shown to show no symptoms of Alzheimer's but post-mortem examination of the brain showed they actually had advanced Alzheimer's,

Coconut Oil
A questionable connection has been made between brain nourishment and coconut oil. The good news is that coconut oil is perfectly safe to eat so why not give it a try.

The theory is that Alzheimer's causes insulin resistance in nerve cells, essentially starving them. Coconut oil uses a different transport method and can nourish those starved nerve cells.

There are reports that this effect is powerful and occurs just hours after consuming coconut oil (you can use it like butter or any cooking oil even in cookies). The improvement, when it occurs is temporary, only lasting hours, but, so what? It is easy to test and you can simply make coconut oil a part of the everyday diet Alzheimer's patients eat.

Very important because as we get older a lot of medicines we take to deplete the body’s store of Q-10.

Vitamin C
There is accumulating evidence that Vitamin C is incredibly important and you should know that you can buy it by the kilogram for about $30. I use it in any food which needs some sour taste such as lemon pie.


If you aren’t satisfied with the mix of supplements on the market you can buy empty gel capsules and filler trays for mixes of bulk supplements.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

WHY isn't cancer surgery treated as the emergency it is, like an appendix?

When I was diagnosed by my family physician as having a concerning mole and my dermatologist a week later as having melanoma, why did it take two more weeks to get it removed by the same dermatologist who had trained at Cleveland Clinic and even had papers published on malignant melanoma?

It was always my concern that one minute a cancer was localized and a minute later it started to metastasize and the patient was essentially terminal.

Since you don't know when that critical minute is, why isn't a suspected melanoma removed immediately - in other words, treated as the emergency it is? It is a simple local procedure.

Now a Cleveland Clinic study may cause some doctors to rethink this.

"The Cleveland Clinic study was published online recently in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
"The ideal timing for melanoma treatment, predominantly surgery, had yet to be determined -- until now," said primary investigator Dr. Brian Gastman. He is director of melanoma surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
"We saw significantly worse prognoses and outcomes for those surgically treated after 30 days of stage I melanoma diagnosis. Knowing for certain that a more expedient time to surgery to remove an early melanoma improves the chances of survival is a game-changer in treating this life-threatening skin cancer," Gastman said in a clinic news release.
Melanoma is on the rise in the United States. Nearly 162,000 new cases are expected to be diagnosed this year."
MY book about how I survived MM BEFORE there were any chemotherapy treatments which extended life even a month.
"Does Vitamin D-3 Cure MM?"  Obviously not but the clinical trials and summaries from Europe show why even now taking massive D-3 doses will improve your survival rate by up to 50%.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

NEW GSK shingles vaccine much more effective

Glaxo Smith Kline received FDA approval for Shingrix a shingles vaccine which is much more effective for people over 60 and especially over 70.

The original vaccine was 70% effective for people in their 50's, 64% for those in their 60's, but only 41% effective for those in their 70's and almost useless for those over 80.

The new vaccine is 97% effective for 50-69 year olds and 91% effective for those over 70.

The new vaccine is better at preventing nerve pain after the shingles rash clears, nearly 90% effective.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Simply AMAZING Alzheimer's symptomatic treatment

Dr.'s Newport and Veech are leading the fight to get a new Alzheimer's treatment into the mainstream.

First, this is NOT a treatment for Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Rather it is a way to alleviate some of the most critical symptoms - i.e. loss of mental capacity.

The entire basis of the treatment is linked to the fact that the physical changes in the brain caused by AD also make the brain cells (neurons) incapable of using insulin to transport sugar into the cell and the cells cease to function.

However while the cells can no longer use the glucose energy source, they can use ketone bodies for fuel bypassing the metabolic block which prevents them from using glucose.

When AD patients receive high doses of ketones the brain cells arfe no longer starved and begin to work again, sometimes amazingly quickly and well - showing improvements (in the approximately half of the cases where it works) within a few hours.

One way to increase the ketones in the bloodstream is to change to a diet which switches the body's metabolism from running on glucose from carbohydrates to one which burns body fat. Essentially the South Beach Diet.

Several people including Dr. Veech are working on supplements which produce a "therapeutic hyperketonemia" through the use of oral ingestion (eating) a strong ketogenic agent or ketone monoester (KME).

Trials of this treatment show, "The patient improved markedly in mood, affect, self-care, and cognitive and daily activity performance. The KME was well tolerated throughout the 20-month treatment period. Cognitive performance tracked plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, with noticeable improvements in conversation and interaction at the higher levels, compared with predose levels.
--------------------------Information from  2015 Jan;11(1):99-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.01.006. Epub 2014 Oct 7.Newport MT1VanItallie TB2Kashiwaya Y3King MT4Veech RL5.

KME-induced hyperketonemia is robust, convenient, and safe, and the ester can be taken as an oral supplement without changing the habitual diet."
A new way to produce hyperketonemia: use of ketone ester in a case of Alzheimer's disease.

Many people go on a zero carb diet for two weeks or until your keto strips show your metabolism has switched from burning sugar to burning fat. You usually lose about 10 lbs pretty quickly.

This is actually a great diet, you eat eggs, bacon, pork, fish, lobster, butter, any cheese, cream, ice cream (homemade with sucralose (Splenda)), coffee, tea, almost anything except grains and tubers. Some veggies after the switch.but not most of them.

Coconut oil/butter is a good substitute for cooking oils and baking - it has very high levels of ketones.

You would think this meat and fat diet would cause your cholesterol to soar, but it actually lowers most people's cholesterol because cholesterol is just another fat which the body is now burning for energy.

The full text of the report is found at

Friday, October 13, 2017

CDC guides to pandemic preparedness

This pandemic warning may be unimportant but there is always that chance of a really big flu season. Remember, the equivalent of the 1918-19 Spanish Flu - that is, one for which few people have any immunity, would certainly kill upwards of 100 million since there is exactly ZERO useful treatment for such a virus.

All you can do is treat symptoms such as dehydration and when it gets really bad put the patient on a ventilator.

NCBI estimates there are 62,188 full mechanical ventilators in the U.S. 

Once all ventilators in a hospital are hooked up to patients (or vice versa) there is nothing further to do for really sick young or elderly flu patients.

CDC Guides

Early notice swine flu in MD caught by 40 people

EMR-ISAC InfoGram for October 12, 2017


"The looming flu pandemic Last month there was a small swine flu outbreak in Maryland as hundreds of pigs in at least three counties tested positive. Worse, more than 40 people contracted H3N2v swine flu after visiting the pig exhibits at the three county fairs. Several people were hospitalized and several pigs died. Incidents like these where influenza is transmitted from animals to people are always on the radar for public health officials, as they can quickly spread without prompt identification and containment. Small outbreaks like this one happen regularly all over the world and sometimes result in a serious health scare, such as the most recent pandemic swine flu in 2009, which resulted in over 12,000 deaths in the United States." Pandemic flu can't be predicted. 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

TWO SEPSIS/SEPTIC SHOCK CURES - also, a potential preventive pro-biotic dose

I have posted links to two medical treatments for sepsis which can save millions of lives (200,000 each year in U.S. alone) but there is also a newly discovered way to prevent sepsis in the first place which is vital for third-world countries. (SEE BELOW)

First Sepsis cure

The "Marik" Cure

Was discovered by a doctor Marik (who else), Dr. Paul Marik of the Eastern Virginia Medical School
uses just very safe Vitamin C, Thiamine, and hydrocortisone.

Demand the doctor treating your loved one - it is extremely safe and very inexpensive.



The global burden of sepsis is estimated as 15 to 19 million cases annually, with a mortality rate approaching 60% in low-income countries.


In this retrospective before-after clinical study, we compared the outcome and clinical course of consecutive septic patients treated with intravenous vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine during a 7-month period (treatment group) with a control group treated in our ICU during the preceding 7 months. The primary outcome was hospital survival. A propensity score was generated to adjust the primary outcome.


There were 47 patients in both treatment and control groups, with no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the two groups. The hospital mortality was 8.5% (4 of 47) in the treatment group compared with 40.4% (19 of 47) in the control group (P < .001). The propensity adjusted odds of mortality in the patients treated with the vitamin C protocol was 0.13 (95% CI, 0.04-0.48; P = .002). The Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment score decreased in all patients in the treatment group, with none developing progressive organ failure. All patients in the treatment group were weaned off vasopressors, a mean of 18.3 ± 9.8 h after starting treatment with the vitamin C protocol. The mean duration of vasopressor use was 54.9 ± 28.4 h in the control group (P < .001).


Our results suggest that the early use of intravenous vitamin C, together with corticosteroids and thiamine, are effective in preventing progressive organ dysfunction, including acute kidney injury, and in reducing the mortality of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Additional studies are required to confirm these preliminary findings.

SECOND Sepsis cure

Now Molecular biologist Ivan Marazzi of the Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and colleagues have found that a chemotherapy drug, Camptothecin, can reduce mortality in septic mice by 90%.
This is, of course, an early animal test but since sepsis can and often does kill within hours even in a top hospital and there are few other treatments (and no really effective one) I would expect some doctors to use this FDA approved drug off label (perfectly legal) in a last ditch effort to prevent death.
Camptothecin’s cancer killing action is due to its blocking of the enzyme topoisomerase I, which, in part, seems to help orchestrate the immune system’s response.
Those patients who already have an influenza infection are particularly at risk to bacterial infection triggered sepsis.
According to Science Magazine, immunopathologist Peter Ward of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, molecular biologist Murat Kaynar of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania and others find these tests extremely interesting although they caution against putting too much faith in these early results.
In addition to the fact that there is really no other good method of treating advanced sepsis, the powerful chemotherapy drug would only need to be given in relatively small amounts - far less than in treating cancer.

Septic shock prevention

I am not going into any details since it isn't a simple treatment, but it will be important in preventing the sepsis death of many of the 60,000 children who die of septic shock each year around the world.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Migraine relief from blowing in ear

Migraine headaches are, along with actual back pain (not the fakers looking for opioids), the biggest unsolved problems in pain management for more people than anything else.
Preventing migraine attacks has long been the goal of many researchers and now it appears there may be a simple solution - alternating warm and cool air blown gently into the ear canal.


To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel solid-state, caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) device to provide adjuvant therapy for the prevention of episodic migraine in adult migraineurs.


Migraine causes significant disability in ∼12% of the world population. No current migraine preventive treatment provides full clinical relief, and many exhibit high rates of discontinuation due to adverse events. Thus, new therapeutic options are needed. CVS may be an effective and safe adjuvant-therapy for the prevention of episodic migraine.


In a multicenter, parallel-arm, block-randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial ( NCT01899040), subjects completed a 3-month treatment with the TNM™ device for CVS (refer to Fig. 2 for patient enrollment and allocation). The primary endpoint was the change in monthly migraine days from baseline to the third treatment month. Secondary endpoints were 50% responder rates, change in prescription analgesic usage and difference in total subjective headache-related pain scores. Device safety assessments included evaluation of any impact on mood, cognition, or balance.

The TNM™ device for CVS appears to provide a clinically efficacious and highly tolerable adjuvant therapy for the prevention of episodic migraine."

Quote from Vital Updates, "Cool and warm currents pumped through headphones to the ear canal could be an effective migraine prevention tool in the near future.
Led by David Wilkinson at the University of Kent, volunteers participated in a migraine study using caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS). By stimulating balance organs, CVS is thought to change brainstem activity, which is linked to migraine onset. The study’s objective was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel CVS device in order to provide therapy for the prevention of episodic migraines in adults."

Saturday, August 12, 2017

$200 medical Tricorder will soon be available if FDA releases it

The Star Trek Tricorder is here, 250 years early

Sorry, I'm prevented from posting my story here but follow this link to my own story on Blasting News.

Friday, August 11, 2017

UPDATE - SEPSIS CURE cheap and safe!

Sepsis (blood poisoning) kills 250,000 each year - last year it killed actress Patty Duke.

Now there are two simple, easy treatments/cures for septic shock.

The Marik protocol could be an incredible breakthrough for third-world countries because it is so easy and inexpensive. 

1 pound of ascorbic acid USP costs $12 or $25/Kilo.

There have been many complaints that there has been no clinical trial of this protocol but none of them mention that there is no evidence that the $60 treatment has any potential to do harm.

Ethically how can any doctor refuse to try this treatment when sepsis kills so many people?

Sepsis is the body's reaction to an infection and the Marik protocol doesn't treat the underlying infection, rather it keeps the patient alive long enough that doctors can determine the correct treatment for the infection.

Septic shock kills so quickly that doctors often can't treat the underlying infection quickly enough.


If that isn't enough, there is a second new sepsis protocol makes use of a very small dose of a common chemotherapy drug. See my earlier posting here.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Beware Small Medical Journal Reports - Aussie Dog on Review Panel of 7!

While I stick to The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, and Nature, there are hundreds of small medical journals which are less careful about who is on their review boards.

Recently Dr. Olivia Doll, was on the board of seven medical journals and was, as of today, still on one (see link below).

The problem is that Dr. Doll is the pseudonym of a five-year-old Pit Bull living in Perth, Australia. Not a woman doctor who pushes herself forward, but a real Staffordshire terrier Terrier named Ollie who's research areas include:

Olivia Doll, Subiaco College of Veterinary Science, Australia.“Research Interest: Avian propinquity to canines in metropolitan suburbs; Relationships between Doberman Pinschers and Staffordshire Terriers in domestic environments; The role of domestic canines in promoting optimal mental health in ageing males; The impact of skateboards on canine ambulation; The benefits of abdominal massage for medium-sized canines; Implications for canine and equine animals of participation in gambling sports; Accidental drug use by Staffordshire Terriers in a roadside setting; Passive exposure of canines to alcohol fumes in the domestic environment.” According to the Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

New drug combo proven for MM

Drug combo Opdivo and Yervoy extends advanced malignant melanoma patients’ lives

Thursday, March 30, 2017

CURE for Sepsis! Vitamin C and Steroids 99% survival rate vs 60%

Cheap, safe Marik cure for Sepsis will save millions