You may be surprised to see that I am not going to begin with COVID-19.
Yes, that is a serious medical problem controlled and worsened by politics, but we are on the verge of a far bigger threat which could easily lead quickly to a violent civil war, not a war of words.
President Trump keeps promising to end the payroll tax which pays half the Social Security payments and therefore half the Medicare insurance.
So, if re-elected what will happen?
He will, with the backing of a Republican Senate (which controls the tax laws) end half the funding for Social Security.
Analysts differ but the best case scenario is that SS will be bankrupt in 5 years. The analysis by the experts at the Social Security Administration say either mid or late 2023.
The next month every disability and regular Social Security check will bounce.
Reality will overwhelm politics.
In a week some people will run out of food.
When the second month's Social Security payment doesn't arrive people will begin hunting down Republican politicians - then any rich, even well-to-do Republicans and, after having their emails and phone calls ignored, begin to ask them some very serious questions in person.
By the end of the month it may not be safe to be identified as a Republican.
A week later 90% of nursing homes will close putting millions of elderly sick out on the street or on their families.
This WILL NOT be the fault of the workers or even the owners of nursing or any elderly housing. They get most of their money from resident’s Social Security and Medicare and most of the workers are minimum wage or a bit more, but definitely the working poor who can't just report for work when they don't get paid.
This isn’t Medicaid (welfare) which is paid by governments and you may think it may last a year or more longer.
WRONG - as their SS payments cease most elderly will qualify for state welfare and Medicaid. States are not permitted to run a deficit and can't print money, only the Feds can do that.
But the healthy elderly, many of whom have military experience, will see the insurance and pensions they paid into for their entire working lives stop.
How do you think they will react?
How long have YOU gone without food?
How long with the fanatic Trump supporters go without food having to suddenly either care for or bury grandma or even mother who was in a nursing home?